In the Equestrian download package you can find the Demo-Data XML file (located in the demo content folder) that you can use for a quick theme setup. Images, videos and sliders are not included in the XML file. You can also import the Demo-Widgets WIE file, that contains our demo widgets.
To import the demo XML file, in the WordPress dashboard go to Tools > Import and select to install from the list WordPress Importer. After the installation is complete, select and upload the XML file. You can find the demo XML file, in the demo content folder, at root level, in the Equestrian download package. The process can take up to a few minutes.
To import the demo WIE file, go to Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter and select and upload our WIE file. You can find in the demo content folder, with the name demo-widgets.wie.
I cannot find Tools > Widget Importer & Exporter on my wordpress