WeChange WordPress Theme
Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I export my signatures database?
- Can I have more than one petition?
- Can I see the visitors who did not complete the email validation process?
- Where can I see the supporters who signed the petition?
- How can I show the Sign It form?
- How can I display only comments, without supporters?
Theme Customization
- How can I customize the sharing buttons?
- Where can I change the background for the supporters section?
- How can I change the supporters avatars?
- Where can I change the letter background?
- Where can I change the list with the petition recipients?
- Where can I change the large image at the top?
Theme Install & Update
- How do I update the theme to the latest version?
- How do I import the XML Demo Data?
- How do I migrate my website from another WP theme to WeChange?
- How do I activate the theme?
- How do I install the theme by WordPress upload?
- How do I install the theme using FTP?
Leisure - Hotel, Resort & Spa WordPress Theme
Theme Customization
- How can I add content to my rooms sidebar?
- Where can I customize the blog sidebar?
- How can I add my content in the footer?
- How can I customize the map in the Contact page?
- How can I allow visitors to post reviews for my rooms?
- Where can I change the layout of the blog page?
Theme Install & Update
- What do I need to setup before I install the theme?
- How do I install the theme?
- How do I install the theme using FTP?
- How do I install the theme by WordPress upload?
- How do I activate the theme?
- How do I migrate my website from another WP theme to Leisure?
Frequently Asked Questions
- ★ Where can I find all the customization options?
- Where can I see the release notes for the latest update?
- How ca I add an icon in the main menu?
- Where can I find the complete documentation for the Leisure theme?
- How can I add my social media links in the footer?
- Where can I find the icons for Rooms Amenities?
Equestrian WordPress Theme
Frequently Asked Questions
- Where can I find the old Equestrian shortcodes?
- How can I insert a Font Awesome icon?
- Where can I find all the customization options?
- How do I choose the sidebar I want to use for a page with sidebar template?
- Where can I find the complete documentation for the Equestrian theme?
- Do I risk losing any data when I update the theme?
Theme Install & Update
- How do I update the theme to the latest version?
- How do I import the Demo Data?
- How do I migrate my website from another WP theme to Equestrian?
- How do I activate the theme?
- How do I install the theme by WordPress upload?
- How do I install the theme using FTP?
Theme Customization
- How can I place the weather in the top right corner?
- How can I add an events calendar?
- How can I customize the map in the Contact page?
- Where can I change the text next to the sharing box?
- How do I disable the excerpt for blog posts?
- How can I change the alignment of the website?