How do I import the XML Demo Data?


In the WeChange download package you can find the Wechange.XML file that you can use for a quick theme set up. 
Images and videos are not included in the XML file.

To import the XML file, in the WordPress dashboard go to Tools > Import and select to install from the list WordPress Importer. After the installation is complete, select and upload the XML file. You can find it in the XML folder at root level in the WeChange download package. The process can take up to a few minutes.

First step is to go to Settings > Reading and from the A static page radio button, use the Front page select box to choose the Home page, with the One-Page template. This will set up your structure as a one page website.

If you want to change the structure from one page to a multi page website,  go to Settings > Reading and from the A static page radio button, use the Front page select box to choose a page with a different template as your home page. Our recommended solution for a multi-page website is to choose a page with the Hero Page template as your Front page.

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